True-Load Does.



Q. What is the objective of True-Load?
A. One of the most challenging tasks for an analyst is to develop load cases for their FEA model that match measured strain values, to ensure accurate and realistic load cases. True-Load back-calculates real dynamic loads to be used in product development.
Q. How does True-Load software work?
A. True-Load leverages the relationship between strain and force in the FEA model, turning unmodified parts into virtual load transducers. An FEA model, strain gauges, and True-Load are all you need for accurate load histories.
Q. What is the learning curve for True-Load?
A. We provide comprehensive training and are committed to helping you through your first few projects. We regularly have screen shares with our customers to look over their shoulders to make sure they are approaching the True-Load problem correctly and are getting good results.
Q. How can True-Load help me design better products?
A. True-Load provides decision-ready data about the loads on a structure. Knowing your loads facilitates a redesign that optimizes product shape.
Q. How can True-Load give me fewer design iterations to get to market faster?
A. True-Load takes the guesswork out of product development by providing quick, automatic, and accurate load cases from measured strain. True-Load gets to redesign-ready information quickly and decreases the number of testing cycles necessary before a product is ready for market.
Q. How does True-Load ensure FE strains are within 2% of measured values?
A. True-Load’s accuracy comes from its strong physical and mathematical foundation. In most cases, load time histories calculated with True-Load match measured strain within 2% at every point in time.
Wolf Star Technologies understands the challenges of Product Development.

We know the structural and dynamic issues that plague every Product Development project. Wolf Star Technologies has unique, first-to-market solutions that meet the fundamental needs of engineers / analysts working with FEA tools.
Our software packages, True-Load, True-QSE and True-LDE, bring understanding to dynamic loading of structures and extract decision ready data from FEA models.